About Toscalix


Welcome. My name is Agustín Benito Bethencourt (toscalix). This site is a modest, probably a little narcissist but, in any case, extremely useful attempt to reduce the dispersion of the information I consider relevant about myself. It is also an effort towards taking ownership of my own data. In this site you will find:

Short bio

Agustín Benito Bethencourt met Free Software during his university times. But it was back in 2003 when he decided to shift his career as entrepreneur towards Open Source and Open Data. Since then, he has guided teams, project and organizations in the design, development, deployment and support of Open Source based products or services. Playing different management, executive and consultant roles, Agustín has worked in verticals like automotive, IoT, Edge, industrial, general embedded, enterprise or desktop. He now works as an independent consultant.

As a volunteer, he is a proud KDE e.V. and KDE Spain member, as well as Software Heritage Ambassador. He has been involved in other Open Source projects/communities and open data ones for over 20 years.

In addition, Agustín has a solid background as speaker, community steward, business developer and trainer. Agustín has lived in several countries and he currently lives between the Málaga metropolitan area and La Palma, Canary Islands, both in Spain. He is a remote work advocate, traveling frequently.

Principles, practices and toolbox

The virtuous circle: purpose-alignment-autonomy-mastery

I enjoy customer oriented environments and I have gained reputation for promoting open and collaborative environments where:

toscalix management model
toscalix management model
  • A shared purpose/vision is a requirement to organizational and individual success.
  • To build trust, alignment is more important than hierarchy, and a necessary step towards autonomy.
  • Autonomy is a requirement towards mastery.
  • Mastery is our biggest asset and the fuel of any vision.

I believe that the assimilation of this virtuous circle is what should determine the culture of an sustainable organization, where experimentation and innovation are a constant, not the exception. Only through innovation you can achieve sustainability, the ultimate goal for those who care about, not just the organization itself and it results, but their people.

I embrace Open Source principles and practices as well as popular modern approaches like Continuous Delivery and lean/system thinking. I am a great fan of getting support from metrics in decision making processes that should lead to sustainable improvement kata.

Open Source / free software

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System thinking and separation of concerns

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Continuous Delivery

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Data analytics / Metrics

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