FLOSS projects

These are the most relevant Open Source projects Agustín has been involved with the last few years. Some of them are upstream community projects and some others consortium driven project.


Agustín has been contributing to KDE since 2005 with different levels of intensity. He is a KDE e.V. and KDE Spain member. Read more about my involvement in KDE

Eclipse Oniro

Oniro is a project hosted by the Eclipse Foundation having as mission to disrupt the existing IoT & Edge markets by creating a family of fully open source operating systems serving as the baseline for end-to-end solutions within different markets, focusing at first in consumer devices.

Such family of modern Operating Systems are tailored as a pre-production platform, capable of being deployed in a wide range of interconnected devices, big and small, having interoperability, security and sovereignty as core ID. Oniro contributors seek a future where devices are connected to each other independently of the device maker and users (individuals and organizations) control their data.

Read more about Oniro…


Agustín led the Open SUSE Team for almost two years which was formed by all SUSE employees working full time at the openSUSE project. At the same time, Agustín acted as program manager from SUSE at openSUSE, being responsible for the budged and the representation of the company at the project.

The openSUSE team led the transformation of the openSUSE distribution into a modern rolling release, which later on was called Tumbleweed. This team also created different tools and applications that became wide used like openQA or the Travel Support Program management app.


As project website states, “The BuildStream project develops, delivers and maintains an integration toolset called BuildStream specially designed for software application developers and integrators of complex systems that follow modern delivery methodologies to ship software that should be in production for a long time. At the same time, as Free Software project, BuildStream ships versions of the tools set advancing the features that will be shipped in the future for those who want to evaluate where the toolset is heading or test them.” Buildstream, together with the Remote Execution implementation called BuildGrid, constitute a new generation of Open Source integration tools.

Agustín contributed to this FLOSS project during the second semester of 2018 coordinating different areas, organising gatherings, planning activities, defining and documenting processes to help scaling up the project, creating reports, data analysis, etc. These contributions were done as part of his involvement at Codethink.

Civil Infrastructure Platform. (CIP)

The Civil Infrastructure Platform is a Linux Foundation initiative that intends to build a core base system for industrial grade products in a  collaborative way. Agustin has been coordinating Codethink’s involvement in this group, specially in two areas: CIP kernel maintenance and kernel testing. He also participates at the CIP Technical Steering Committee. Agustín involvement in CIP started early in 2016. Learn more…

GENIVI Development Platform (GDP)

The GENIVI Alliance used to produce a Platform to demonstrate the software developed within the different Expert Groups. This project was published with free licenses after it was finished. Agustin led the team from Codethink Ltd that turned it into a standard Open Source project and from being an application demo platform to a development platform (GDP), based in Yocto, bringing community contributors to the project, from Oct 2015 to Oct. 2016. Read more…


Freedesktop.org Meetings

Promoted by Ryan Lortie, Agustín organized the I Freedesktop.org meeting in March 2013, sponsored by SUSE, with the participation of key developers from KDE, GNOME, systemd, Razor-Qt/LXDE-Qt and Unity. Agustín also participated in the organization of the II Freedesktop.org meeting, that took place in March 2014, sponsored again by SUSE.

Other projects

Earlier in his career, Agustín was involved in other projects like:

  • Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP). Together with employees at ejerciciosresueltos.com, Agustín directed the development of a product for managing computer labs based on this thin client project, back in 2003, contributing to upstream.
  • Kubuntu: through the design of the first version of the mEDUXa project, back in 2005, Agustín got in contact with Canonical and the Kubuntu project, participating on its community. Agustín got invited to the 2007 UDS in Sevilla, ES.
  • Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)
  • Freedesktop-SDK