After Santa Cruz’s Carnival

After Santa Cruz de Tenerife’s carnival, a huge party, the mEDUXa companies are working hard to finish the first phase or our job. We are putting a lot of energy on the kiosk mode, in order to build up two profiles for students, depending on their age. The first one is for primary school’s kids and the second one for secodary’s. Richard Dale, a KDE developer, is doing a great job.

Lately I’m using Akregator (a RSS reader app) a lot. It’s a great application. I wonder why I didn’t use it before. Now I spent each couple of days half an hour or so reading what’s new on freshmeat. It’s amaizing how many new apps are there. I have no time to try even 1% of them. Another application I recommend, based on my job experience, is Mediawiki. It is a extremely powerful application. I’m making it popular to the people I work with. Newbies like it. I feel like a “wiki preacher” sometimes.

Next week Grupo CPD is organizing two courses on the Canary Islands. One of them is called “Iniciación a la administración de sistemas Linux” (Introduction for the administration of linux systems). The second one is called “Introducción al diseño 2D y 3D” (introduction to 2D and 3D design). This second one is based on Blender. Linux is becoming popular here and people demand technical courses. Another guy from our company, Esteban Manchado, a Debian Developer, will teach in a Ruby course on Gran Canaria’s college. We have another 4 courses planned before summer. As you can see, education is a major part of our job. If we want linux to become more popular, we need to teach people how to use it, right?

One of the members of the mEDUXa team, Pedro Gracia (Neuroomante SL ), has began to work in Mare Nostrum, the biggest cluster in Europe. It is in Barcelona, Spain. It is big news for all of us and demostrate we have a lot of talent here on the Canary Islands.

Yesterday I installed Kubuntu to a friend of mine called Michel Ruiz. He liked a lot, I think. My mother is also using it. In future days I’ll write about their experiences with KDE.

Tomorrow Ana María García will join to my company for 4 mothes, thanks to a college’s program that is trying to improve tecnology in the Canary Island’s companies. There is no doubt she will learn a lot from us. Hopefully we also learn from her experience. She wiil get involve on mEDUXa educational linux distribution.

That’s enough for today. Thanks for reading this blog and put your comment if you want to.

3 thoughts on “After Santa Cruz’s Carnival

  1. De acuerdo, escribiré artículos en castellano para que quienes no entienden inglés puedan tambien tener espacio en mi blog.Gracias por la recomendación.Un saludo


  2. No paras ni para respirar Agustín. Siempre estas metido en algún proyecto nuevo. Felicidades por el blog y por todo el curro que hay detras de Medusax.A ver si puedes poner algo en el blog sobre el trabajo de Pedro Gracia en Mare Nostrum que parece interesante.Un saludo.Roberto.


  3. Joer tío… ‘from de canary islands’ y todo en inglés?Venga… enrróllate y cuéntanos algo ‘apto para todos los públicos’ 🙂Sin acritud


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